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Wednesday 17 July 2013

Chapter Two Of "GAME OF THE HEART"

Chapter 2- A Breakfast to Die For
I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.
"Oi. Get up."
Get up? Ah… I must've fallen back asleep after that man left.
"Didn't you hear me? Get up."
The stern voice roused me from my slumber and, squinting, I stared up at the blurred figure before me. Was he back to wake me? Suddenly, I felt cold wood pressed into my forehead, which confirmed my suspicions. It was that top hat jerk again.
"Get up," he demanded once more.
"Why?" I groaned, slapping his cane away and readjusting my position in the bed—I was not a morning person.
"I said get up. You shouldn't need another reason."
"No, I'm—"
He tapped on my forehead with that damn cane until I fiercely kicked off the covers and shot up from the bed. I latched my hand onto the end and yanked it out of his unsuspecting hand, hurling it across the room and watching it crash into the carpeted ground. God, I just couldn't stand that! He was treating me like I was some kind of creature and he had to poke me with a stick to observe me! I was trembling with anger even as he stepped in my direction with a cold glare in his eyes that could've frozen me into a block of ice.
"You shouldn't have done that."
I found my anger slowly being replaced by paralyzing fear as he reached his hand out and seized my cheeks, one with his first four fingers and the other with his thumb. He gradually tucked his head into my region and brought his sharp, sapphire eyes within centimeters of mine. I could feel the heat of his gentle breath on my skin, but any warmth was quickly stifled by the pure icy stare in his eyes. Chills swept over my body, and my heart thumped chaotically; this man was not to be messed with.
"You're lucky the Queen wants you, or you'd already be dead," he hissed, throwing my head aside and turning back to grab his cane. He quickly looked it over for damages, and when he realized there was none, threw his head over his shoulder and simply said, "There's food outside for you. Come."
Come? He put forth all that outlandish effort to wake me, just to tell me to eat? Like I could possibly be hungry!
I suddenly found my stomach growling raucously at me, as though it were infuriated by my stubborn refusal to leave the room and get food. I sighed softly; maybe I should go out to eat, just to see where I was and get a better idea of what I'm dealing with. I climbed out of bed and caught a glimpse of myself in the vanity.
Good God.
I looked like an absolute mess. My blonde tresses were tangled in persisting knots and curled messily about my chest, my sea blue eyes were dulled from lack of sleep, and my skin had become a pale, ghostly shade. I had to do something to fix myself up, but what resources did I even have here? I rummaged through the drawers of the vanity and luckily discovered a thick, teal brush. After determinedly running it through my hair, I discovered the knots had been unwoven and the curls had softened.
"Okay, better…" I mumbled as I attempted to straighten out my disheveled clothing.
Suddenly, I heard a gentle tapping at the door and immediately figured it was the top hat jerk again. Jeez, I wasn't taking that long, was I?
"I'm coming already!"
"N-No, um…" I heard a small, muffled voice through the door and, curious, I hurried towards the entrance and spun the doorknob. There was a different man before me now, much shorter and less intimidating. He had soft, fluffy white hair that flared out sporadically in low, thick spikes and huge, black rimmed glasses that dwarfed his subtle features. His golden, honey eyes looked sweetly and shyly upon me, but the one thing I just couldn't overlook was…
His bunny ears.
That's right.
The boy had bunny ears! Was I seeing things? I rubbed my eyes and smothered my desire to scream. They were still there! How was it even possible to have bunny ears? I glanced around the sides of his head in search of a band, but there was nothing! Did he just naturally have those long, floppy things attached to his head? If he did, then that really begged the question: Where the hell am I?
"Is something wrong?" he asked gently with the tilt of his head.

My God.
The ears shook with his head! I could hardly stand it; I was so tempted to reach out and pet him!
I took a moment to regain my composure and quickly answered, "No, no. What did you need?"
"I was told to check up on you…" he muttered quietly, looking down and twiddling his thumbs nervously. Such a soft-spoken boy… It was refreshing to meet someone so gentle after having to deal with the top hat jerk.
"Well, why don't we go?"
I put on a relaxed smile as he led me out of the room and down the hallway lavishly decorated with ornate crown molding, paintings from eras I couldn't even name encased in elaborate bronze frames, and an entire red carpet laced with whirling, gold trim… It was just a hallway, but there was so much in it! I actually couldn't even see all of it in detail because of how dimly lit it was by the small, black wall lamps along the way.
Before I knew it, the boy had led me down a short staircase and through a few doors until I finally reached my destination—the dining. It was simply a large room, decorated similarly to the hallway, with a grand, white marble table stretched across the center. What really caught my eye though was the chandelier, its flawless tear drop crystals sparkling like diamonds in the white light and creating an air of elegance. Expensive elegance, but elegance nonetheless.
I spied the jerk seated at the head of the table—my assumption was that the Queen would not be joining today—and several others at the adjoining chairs. The boy beside me took his spot next to another man with mud brown bunny ears, and in the meantime, I peered around them to check for another available seat. Next to the top hat jerk was a straight-haired brunette woman, and next to her was yet another man with dark, spiky red locks. Where was I supposed to sit?
"Over there, next to Akin," the jerk commanded, pointing at the seat next to the red-haired man. Grumbling, I rounded the perimeter of the table and claimed my cushioned, royal red chair. When I looked down, I realized that a gorgeous platter of food was already set before me, including freshly baked apricot scones, decadent, dark chocolate croissants, and fluffy, buttered biscuits. I salivated as I inhaled the rich, intoxicating aroma and felt the moist heat rising against my chin. Did they somehow know what I liked? Apparently, they did, because after glancing round at the other dishes, I realized they were all entirely unique and diverse.
"Eat," the top hat jerk ordered. "We don't have all day in here."
I snapped out of my short trance and finally reached for my first target—the chocolate croissant. I took a heaving bite and shivered from pure delight—it was perfect! Each layer was thin and distinct, yet came together in an amazing combination of steamy butter and sweet, melted chocolate. I was just about to indulge myself in another bite of heaven until the jerk smirked at me from across the way.
I shouldn't have even asked.
"A word of advice."
"What?" I repeated impatiently—God, why couldn't I just shut up?
"You shouldn't eat your food so recklessly," he warned me with a pompous smirk etched onto his lips. "That croissant in your hand is poisoned."
I coughed.

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