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Saturday 20 July 2013

Chapter Five of Game of the Heart

Chapter 5- A Reflection of Fear
I retired to my bedroom shortly after breakfast, though it took a while to find the damn place. I didn't know where I was, but I assumed this was a mansion, because it was absolutely enormous. And topped off with an extremely complex layout like a labyrinth to boot? I could get lost just standing in one of the rooms. Luckily, I had a decent memory and could effectively retrace my steps from the dining area to the bedroom. I just wanted to get some rest and relax a little, but apparently, that wasn't going to happen. Just after I plopped onto the springy bed, I heard a knocking at my door and was forced to answer it.

"Who is it?" I asked somewhat irritably.
"Akin. Can I come in?"
Sighing, I answered back, "Sure, why not?"

He carefully twisted the knob and peered in, assuming but also ensuring that I was decent. When he finally realized I was, he flung the door open, stepped inside, and then flung it back shut. I winced, startled by the sound, until Akin came up to the mattress and sat beside me, beaming and gawking eagerly.
"What? I can't come to say hi?" he teased.
"You can, but that's not why you're here, is it?"
"Ah, you're sharp, Alice."
"So? What do you want?"
"I just wanted to offer you a tour of the building."
"I don't think I need a tour…"
"Don't be stubborn. It's a big place, especially if you aren't used to it."
"No, I'm not saying it isn't. It's just that once I talk to the Queen, I'm leaving. I won't be here very long, so I don't need to really learn what this place looks like."
"Oh… Yeah…" Akins’s countenance slowly darkened.
"What?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"N-Nothing, Alice! Nothing!"
He waved his hands at me anxiously. The hesitation in his voice and his immediate denial… This boy clearly knew something. He knew what my fate was here, but he wasn't telling me. Did he think I wouldn't pick up on that?
"What is it?" I questioned austerely.
"Nothing. Why don't we take that tour though? I think it'll be—"
"Just stop. I told you I won't need it. I'm leaving anyway… unless you can think of some reason why not."
Here we go. I would bait him into giving up the information.
"Well…" He sighed and mussed up his spiked tresses, debating whether he should tell me or not. What? Was giving me information against the law or something? Top hat jerk wouldn't tell me anything either!
"What's going on?" I demanded furiously.
"Nothing. You'll see at the meeting, okay?"
"But I—"
"Relax, Alice. You'll be safe. Just… don't expect to be going home anytime soon, okay? Be prepared."
"Wait, but this—"
"No, no," Akin whispered, pressing his index finger to my lips and shushing me. "You're fine. Just don't keep asking, okay? I'll get in trouble."
I scrutinized the severity in his eyes and realized this wasn't the time to do this; he knew more than I did and I wanted to pry it out of him, but I shouldn't try to invoke the Queen's wrath. My best bet was to listen to him. I could trust him—somewhat.
I reluctantly nodded my head and pouted at Akin, who grinned brightly in return.
"Good. Thanks."
"So, about that tour?"
"I need to rest, really…" I grumbled, flopping back onto the mattress and sighing wearily.

"You really sleep a lot, don't you?" he chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah…"
"You want me to sleep with you?"
My eyes shot open faster than a bullet.

I felt my cheeks tingling, reddening by shades at a time, as he stretched down beside me and smirked mischievously. His violet eyes flickered with excitement, blinking almost innocently at mine
I felt my cheeks tingling, reddening by shades at a time, as he stretched down beside me and smirked mischievously. His violet eyes flickered with excitement, blinking almost innocently at mine
Before he could get any closer, I wriggled out of his grasp and brought my knees between us, adroitly kicking him back towards the other end of the bed.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Everything!" he cheered contentedly.
I rolled my eyes and groaned, fluidly curling my body up from the bed and glowering at Akin, who was still sprawled out comfortably beside me.
"What is it?"
"Just go. I need to rest," I mumbled weakly.

Akin simply chuckled and rose to his feet. After a brief moment of silence, he leaned towards me and gently brushed my cheek with his hand, smiling down ingenuously at me. The sudden jolt across my chest shocked me.
My heart skipped a beat.
"Get some rest, Alice," he whispered sweetly as he deftly swept a lock of blonde hair behind my ear.
Akin crinkled his nose at me and grinned, pinching my puffy cheek just once before he moved towards the door.
"A-Ah, wait!" I found myself calling out to him.
He spun his body around and focused his full attention on me—something I wasn't expecting. When top hat jerk talked to me, he barely even looked over his shoulder, but Akin was willing to turn all the way around just to look at me while we talked… I hated to admit it, but it was nice.
But, back to the question.
"When is this meeting? I keep hearing about it, but I don't know when it's actually going to happen."
"Ah, that? It'll happen when the Queen says it will."
"Why is all this stuff up to her?"

At first, Akin furrowed his brows, and then he nearly burst into laughter. "That's because she's the Queen, Alice," he explained through stifled giggles, "What she says goes."
"But still…" I complained, sighing. "I guess I'm just impatient."
"I can see that, but just relax. I know you'll be okay."
Another one of my sighs layered itself into the air.
"Yeah, I know."
He was about to exit the room once more until he noticed my crisp, wrinkled clothing—the source obviously being my awful sleep habits.
"Oh, by the way, check out the closet. I'm sure there's something in there for you to change into. And if not, tell me and I'll get you something."
"Okay. Thank you, Akin."
"Do you need help changing?" he added wittily and hopefully.
"Absolutely not," I growled back.
"Heh, alright. Rest up."
With that, he left me to my business. The first thing I did was head for the closet like he suggested; I was tired of my clothes sticking to my skin.
I yanked open the door and flipped on the nearby light switch. It was a relatively small closet with just a few simple outfits. Thank God! I was afraid I'd be stuck with one of those flamboyant dresses that would've absolutely complimented top hat jerk's suit. Luckily, it seemed like these people weren't going to give me the beaded corsets, puffy sleeves, or ballroom skirts, so I was quite pleased.
I eagerly sifted through the clothing and grabbed a red tank and a ruffled, airy white skirt that I deemed to be comfortable for the time being. I quickly began undoing the buttons of my dress and whipping off the apron still tied around my waist. As the dress fell to my ankles, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and practically gasped out in horror.
I stepped out of my dress and rushed over to the mirror, rubbing my eyes over and over and praying they were deceiving me.
They weren't.
"No… What is this?"
I stared into the panicked eyes of my own reflection, like she was screaming out for help, clawing at the glass to get to me.
"What… happened?"

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