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Monday 22 July 2013

Chapter Seven of Game of the Heart

Chapter 7- Her Highness
Footsteps echoed through the desolate mansion.
Tap… Tap…
I could hardly even spare the light of day in this place. It felt perpetually dark, nearly smothering me were it not for the small flickers of the black hallway lamps.
Tap… Tap…
Soft, yellow light illuminated my pallor skin as I trudged through the carpeted grounds, crossing my arms over my body and blowing a casual sigh. I was already sick of walking.
"We'll be in the garden now for the meeting, okay?"
"Okay," I replied softly.

Akin led me through the same hallway from before, then down the stairs, through more hallways, across large rooms, then through more corridors… I felt like I was snaking through a convoluted maze. During that time, all I could do was wonder. What did Akin mean by that earlier? Was he teasing me, or was that the truth? Which explanation for his dismay was right: mine or his? Did he care just because he was human, or did he care because he found me interesting? I hoped it was the former, because there was no way someone could like me already. I just came to this place, and I was still figuring out my way around. And besides, it's been one day! No… No. Akin was teasing me—that was his type, from what I could tell so far.

Yes… That's all. Just relax. Calm down.
"Here we are. Are you ready, Alice?"

I glanced about my surroundings; I had simply allowed him to drag me around without even realizing where I was going. Now, I was outside a clear glass door to what looked to be a beautiful greenhouse.
"Alice, what's wrong?"
"N-Nothing…" I stuttered carelessly.
"Are you nervous about talking to the Queen? She isn't that scary."
"No, I'm not scared of her…"

"Then what?"
"It's nothing…"
"Are you bothered by what I said earlier?"
"I'm just…"
I inhaled unsteadily, which basically answered his question.
"Don't take me too seriously. I say a lot of things, okay?" He chuckled lightly. "I didn't know you'd be so shaken up by that comment. Sorry."
"It's fine…"
"Calm down, okay? You might be cute, but I'm not going to attack you."

He started for the handle, but after a brief moment, decidedly threw his head back at me and flit his eyes over my person. My cheeks tinged a dark red. What exactly was he looking at?
He chuckled. "Yet," he whispered deviously, adding the single word that he knew would once again mess with my head. My face flared; even my ears were hot with embarrassment.
Damn it, Akin. Does this boy know what he's doing to me? Maybe I just wasn't used to this kind of behavior, since I'd never had anyone flirt with me back home.
I actually didn't remember much about home. It was all a huge blur, with the exception of a few memory fragments.
There was… a perfect, Victorian era white house with the white picket fence and the grassy green trees and vibrant flowers, just like the ones in the storybooks. And I could remotely make out two silhouettes like a mother and a father, but both of them were… yelling? And an older sister... Yes. She looked so much like me, the same complexion, the same blonde locks, the same crystal blue eyes, the same smile…
But that was all I could see.
I didn't even realize it. How could I get home if I had no idea where home even was? I suppose I would have to trust these people, at least until I could leave.
I followed Akins’s lead into the garden, which was overall quite simple in the grand scheme of things. It was loaded with lush, green ivy that hung from the walls in cascading vines and colorful, potted flowers of all types adorning the low tables. The sun's warm rays bled in through the roof of the clear, glass greenhouse and illuminated the single wooden table, just a touch smaller than the one in the dining area, situated in the midst of the greenery with eight matching chairs fit perfectly around it
The Queen was already seated at the head of the table, and I couldn't help but notice her overwhelming beauty and youth. She looked to be around my age—twenty-two if I didn't say it before—with wavy, red wine hair that was dark as blood, skin that was pallor and smooth, and lips that shone a rosy pink. She was remarkably gorgeous and absolutely stunning; especially since I was operating under the assumption she'd be some fat, wrinkly old hag. But more than that, she was so refined with her tight blood corset and bellbottom skirt embellished with swirling beads, lace, ribbons, and hearts of all shapes and sizes. She made me look like a hag by comparison. I should've probably done something with my hair or my clothes…

"Alice, right?" she asked softly, like I was a wild deer she didn't want to scare away. Even her voice was pleasant; it rang gentler than a bell and came out smoother than whipped cream. It was absolutely melodious compared to the other voices in the group. Akins’s was a bit rough and of more medium tone, while Leo's was soft and close to silky, except the occasional cracks. Vulpe's was low and deep, while top hat jerk's was husky and commanding. And Eri's voice was shrill and bubbly, while mine was just… average—mainstream, but uneven. This Queen, though… Her voice was the perfect representation of class and elegance.
Obviously, I admired this woman from the very moment I met her.

"Go on, sit down. We want to talk to you."

I nodded my head and sat at the opposite end of the table, directly across from the Queen. Akin took the seat on my left and following down the line, I spotted Eri and top hat jerk. Immediately to my right were an empty chair, and then Leo and Vulpe. It was nice to be at the head of the table and look along at everyone; I felt superior to top hat jerk in this spot.

He somehow sensed that.
"You, what do you think you're doing?" he growled.
"Don't sit at the head of the table when the Queen is here. Move next to Leo."
"Why should I?"
"You're talking back to me? Just shut your mouth and do what I say. It's rude to sit there while the Queen is present."
"Oh, you're one to talk. You've been nothing but rude—"
"Jeez, would you two just shut up?!" Eri yelled over our bickering. "Can you move just this once, Alice? Cane's being silly."
"You'll pay for that comment, you insolent brat," he threatened sharply.
I rolled my eyes, rose from my seat, and relocated to the one beside Leo. I was livid; was he really going to pick a fight with me now?
"Bastard," I murmured deeply.
Apparently, he had the hearing of a bat as well.
"You need to learn to how to shut up or I'll sew your lips myself."
Maybe he was some kind of vampire.
"You think you scare me?" I questioned almost mockingly; I was feeling pugnacious at the time.
"I should," he countered cleverly. But I was not intimidated. If I only had the chance, I would do unspeakable things to him.

Not sexually unspeakable things, but violent unspeakable things. Just too clear up any confusion that might've created.
I sighed. I just had to remind myself that this was a temporary thing. I'd only have to put up with him a little bit longer, because now that the Queen's here, I'll be leaving. It'll be all over soon.
A brief silence hung in the air for the Queen to slice it down.
"So," she finally stated, "We shall begin the meeting."

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