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Sunday 21 July 2013

chapter six of Game Of Heart

Chapter 6- Humanity
What happened? What… happened to me?
I gazed upon my half-Unclad body in absolute terror. It looked wrecked, destroyed, mutilated beyond repair, like someone had hurled me into a wood chipper and used me as a heavy bag.
There were long, thick red slashes across my chest, ones that had barely begun scabbing over with blood, and dark wine bruises along my stomach and thighs. I had a feeling there were more wounds on my back, but I was too scared to turn around and find out. Where did all these come from? They still looked fresh…

This happened recently.
I ran my finger along one of the rough cuts and winced in pain. Yes, they were fresh—still practically raw. I gently traced one of the amorphous bruises and again cringed. When did all this happen? And more importantly, who did it to me?
I touched my bicep with a few fingers and shakily trailed them down to my wrist, just to see how truly fragile my body was. It trembled under my own touch—God, I really was weak.
However, it brought something important to my attention. My skin was soft and taut, but it felt odd, like there was a layer of dust sprinkled over me. I quickly lifted my hand and stared down at my fingertips, which had accumulated a small amount of fine powder across the top.
Powder? Like… makeup?

I scrutinized the region of powder I'd lifted from my arm and breathed sharply upon my discovery. There was another layer of cuts and bruises peeking through from underneath, and I'd just uncovered it.
No wonder I hadn't noticed it earlier. Upon closer inspection, I realized that there was makeup applied all over my face, my arms, and even my calves. That could only mean…
There were more injuries to find, just hiding beneath a thin layer of protective powder. And again, I was too scared to uncover more.
What could've happened though? I doubt the people here would've abused me—if anything, they saved me—so I can't automatically assume it was any of them. And if they found me already like this, what happened in the first place?
I couldn't bear to look at myself anymore. My reflection was beseeching, crying for desperately needed help, but I couldn't give it to her. I didn't know what to do with her or myself. It was just… hopeless.

Suddenly, without warning, there was a tapping at the door. Did these people just know when they shouldn't come in and do it anyway?
"W-Wait a minute!" I shouted nervously.
Not only wasn't I dressed, but I had raw scars all over my body. That would definitely worry my visitor.
I rushed out from the closet and scrambled through the drawers of the dresser for a pair of black leggings and some sort of shirt that wouldn't take too long to fasten. However, the knocks came once again and startled me into a frenzy.
"Wait a second!"
"It's important! Hurry up!"
The voice was familiar—Akin?
"Just stop, Akin! I'll be right there!"
"Come on!"

I shimmied into the leggings and threw on the first shirt I found in the dresser—a long, dark jade tee. It covered as much of my revealed bruises as I could ask for in this moment. After straightening out my clothes, I hurried over and opened the door. Akin wasn't just standing there before me; he was vibrating like a toy. What had him so worried? He couldn't stay still!
"What's wrong?"
"The Queen called the meeting!"
"What? She called the meeting just like that?"
"Yes! We have to get going."
"Oh, okay, but—"
Suddenly, Akins’s visage became grim, his violet eyes glazed over with concern. I followed the path they took and immediately covered my upper right arm, flinching and turning away from him.
"What happened to you?" he questioned gravely.
"I-I don't know. Let's just go. The meetings starting, isn't it?"
"Forget about it for a minute. Why are hurt?"

"I don't know."
"How can you not know? What happened to you?" he interrogated more persistently.
Without even realizing it, my mouth just spilled out my thoughts like a faucet.
"It doesn't matter. You don't even know me, so what are you worried about?" I asked spitefully.
"I can still care, can't I?" he retorted, his eyes burrowing into mine like a groundhog into dirt.
I gulped uneasily and clutched onto the side of the door. Why would he be so concerned with me when he'd only met me just today?
Ah… Maybe…
It was just the human side of him. I've noticed a pattern with people.
They care when others are endangered, when others are heartbroken, when others are depressed or angered… People care when there's an accident, and people care even if no individual they know is involved. There's just an instinct for humanity to reach out to others, even if they have no relation to one another besides the simple fact that they're human.

Maybe this was just a glimpse of his humanity showing. But… for me?
He actually worried himself… over me. Just the thought of it made my heart twinge. It was so sweet of him to care, when no one else probably would have. At least someone in this place had a shred of conscience.
And yes, that was a jab at top hat jerk.
"I-I'm sorry, Akin. I'm just… not used to the idea of people caring about me, especially in this place."
"I understand, but please…" he whispered gently, "Just tell me what happened."
"I honestly don't even know. I started changing and found myself like this…"
In my confusion, I must've looked pathetic, because Akins’s eyes quickly became glassy and sent me into a flurry.
"N-No, what's wrong? Why are you—"
Suddenly, he brought his finger to my lips, shushing me as he slowly slipped his fluffy black jacket from his shoulders and draped it over mine.
"I don't want you to be questioned out there. Wear this, okay? And zip it up, too. It might get cold later."
"Akin… T-Thanks."
"Of course," he said, flashing his sweet, vibrant smile at me.

I wasn't sure if he realized it or not, but that smile actually gave me a sliver of hope in this world. It was like reassurance that he'd protect me and this new secret I didn't realize I even had. It was like… I had a friend.
Sort of.
I wouldn't trust anyone that quickly, but it was a good start.
"I'm sorry," I whispered again.
"What are you sorry about, Alice?"
"For accusing you of not caring…"
"I'm just glad you know now I do," he laughed.
"But why?"

I had already worked out my own explanation for his actions, but I still wanted to hear it from his lips. Why?
I have no idea.
"Because you're interesting."
Not quite what I was expecting, but I suppose it was sufficient—although I still wanted him to elaborate.
"Interesting… how?"
"Just interesting. As an outsider, as a person, and as a girl, you interest me," he said, presenting a flirtatious wink that brought my cheeks to a flush.
"What're you—"
"Don't worry about it! Come on now, we have to get outside. The Queen's here."
"Come on, Alice. Don't be so nervous, okay?"
This was it. I was going to meet the Queen and finally get out of this place.
Or, so I thought.He held out his hand gallantly to me, like a knight in shining armor; the only difference was his perfect white smile visible through what would be his helmet. I reluctantly placed my hand in his and clutched onto the cold, metal zipper of his jacket with the other, pulling it closer to my battered chest.

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